2017 Summary

Since Women in STEM’s founding this March, we have become a nationwide organization that welcomed 8 chapters in 8 months. We believe that through our success in this first year, we can build a strong foundation for the future.











Our Chapters

In the eight months since our founding at the University of Chicago Lab School, Women in STEM has grown to include 8 chapters total, Bronxeville, Culver, Dwight-Englewood, Kenwood, Lab, Parker, Payton, and Phoenixville.

Our Partnerships

Women in STEM’s partnerships with the University of Chicago, Field Museum, and Notre Dame were instrumental in ensuring our success this year. Both the University of Chicago and Notre Dame supplied mentors for Lab and Culver’s respective mentorship programs, and the Field Museum invited our Chicago chapters to networking events. We are grateful for these relationships and excited to see them strengthen in the coming year.

Our Initiatives

Women in STEM spearheaded four main initiatives this year that reflect our values and mission: mentorship, nationwide collaboration, outreach, and speaker series, We are particularly proud of our mentorship program which pairs high school students with college students who share their interests. So far, 96 girls from the Culver and Lab chapter have been matched, but we look forward to expanding the numbers of pairs and participating schools in the coming year.